عن المجلس العربى

عن المجلس العربى

المجلس العربى للمسؤولية المجتمعية

عضو في الميثاق العالمي للأمم المتحدة وأول مجلس في مصر يهدف إلى أن يكون منصة لتنمية المجتمع في المنطقة العربية لتبادل الخبرات والمساعدة في العملية التنموية.
يوجد في المجلس عدد كبير من الشركاء على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي والدولي. ومن بين هؤلاء الشركاء المنظمة الإسلامية للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو) وواحدة للاقتصاد العالمي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
  يقوم المجلس بعدد من الأنشطة بما في ذلك مجلة شهرية وتدريبات مهنية لبناء القدرات المجتمعية بالإضافة إلى حفل توزيع الجوائز السنوي لأفضل ممارسة للمسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات في المنطقة.


In ACSR, like other leading global sustainability organizations, we define CSR as “The responsibility of enterprises for their impact on society” as so, we encourage enterprises in all sectors to have in place a process to integrate social, environmental, ethical, human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategies in close collaboration with their relevant stakeholders 

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self-regulation philosophy that is integrated into the business model of the corporation. CSR policy functions as a governance mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards and international norms. In some models, a firm's implementation of CSR goes beyond compliance and engages in "actions that appear to some social goods and services, beyond the interests of the firm in which the law mandates it. CSR aims to embrace responsibility for corporate actions and to encourage a positive impact on the environment. stakeholders including consumers, employees, investors, 

The Arab Council for Social Responsibility commits to set well defined objectives based on a thorough analysis of the CSR status in Egypt and in the region in the past years to develop the concept of (Sustainability) in terms of being applicable by all enterprises in all sectors as well as a clear role for the government to assess such a global trend through its power of authority and regulations.